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  2. Product Service Center FAQ (Customer Care)

Product Service/Repair Age Guidelines.

0-2 years: The product may be within a limited warranty period, but diagnosis and repair charges may also still apply (depending on type of damage found).

2-10 years: Repairs recommended – unless visibly corroded or badly damaged, the units are usually repairable. Repairs for units within this age range are often significantly less expensive than purchasing a new unit.

10-15 years: Send in the item for a service quote at your own discretion. Due to age, repair costs may be higher, and even after the unit is repaired it may have limited service life remaining. Keep in mind: Diagnosis Fees will be due even if you decide to NOT perform repairs.

15+ years: Repairs not recommended. Repairs on units that are in this age range may be POSSIBLE (depending on availability of parts), but a new/replacement unit is generally recommended instead.  

A serial number Age Calculator for PE products can be found on this page (serial number required).